An autograph collection going digital

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Terry Gilliam

5x7 photo signed in silver paint pen. Another amazing success, my second Monty Python autograph!
Tim Burton

8x10 print signed in black sharpie. Amazing mail success from Mr. Burton! Unfortunately this WAS an 8.5x12 print, but was water damaged in the mail. The top eighth or so was stuck to the envelope, so I had to trim it down as best as I could. Still, instantly a favorite in my collection!
Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Billy Crudup, and Shuler Hensley

Playbill signed by the cast of No Man's Land and Waiting for Godot signed in sharpie. I went down to NYC this past weekend to see No Man's Land as part of a Christmas present. As I was leaving the theater I saw people starting to gather around the side entrance, and decided to go over and see what was happening. A few minutes later Billy Crudup came out and started signing autographs, followed by Shuler Hensley. A couple minutes after that, out came Ian McKellen! Patrick Stewart waited a bit longer. I suspect that he was waiting for the crowd to thin out. There were about 100 people there by the time Mr. McKellen came out, and it was down to 30 by the time Patrick Stewart arrived. It was very cold out. I couldn't feel my fingers at the end. I had the chance to speak with Mr. Stewart for just a moment, which was fantastic! I'm hoping to go back in a few months to see another show, and maybe come back with another signed playbill.

Geoffrey Rush

Mr. Rush was one of the first people I wrote to, almost a year ago. I was quite surprised and very happy when these arrived!
Chris Sarandon

8x10 photo of "Jack" from "Nightmare Before Christmas" signed in blue sharpie. I'm more familiar with Mr. Sarandon from other films, but couldn't pass this one up when I saw it. PSA/DNA item.