8x10 color photo signed in black marker. I grew up watching Bill Nye on PBS. He contributed greatly to my lifelong love of science...and bow ties. Unfortunately, this photo showed up in pretty rough shape - you can't see from the scan, since most of the damage is to the white part. I may write to him again after the holiday season in hopes of getting at photo that isn't as banged up.
1:41 PM
carl sagan
the dragons of eden
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True first edition of "The Dragons of Eden" signed on the first blank page in red marker. This one was a surprise. A few weeks ago when I ordered this book, I wasn't expecting it to show up signed - especially since it was advertised as in "very good" condition with no mention of the inscription. I'm not entirely sure it's genuine, but I'm leaning that way. Most of the words in the inscription appear to be characteristic of Sagan's writing. While most of his signatures I've been able to find don't include the "a" and "n" in Sagan, the few that do are dead ringers for the one in this book. I'm trying to get outside opinions at the moment - so we'll see what others think.
9:31 AM
john williams
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5x7 photo signed in black marker. I sent a letter and a photo to Mr. Williams in April 2013, and received this back in the mail this morning. I've been a fan of Mr. Williams' music for a long time - the first album I ever bought was "By Request: The Best of John Williams and The Boston Pops" on cassette. I played it so often that I wore it out. I replaced it with a CD (the first music CD I ever purchased), and eventually wore that copy out as well. Now I'm on my third copy of the album. Since it's on my iPod now, hopefully I won't wear it out again. I had the chance to see Mr. Williams conduct the Boston Pops in June 2013, but unfortunately didn't have the opportunity to meet him afterward. I wanted to have a chance to speak with him, not just because I love his music, but because I'm friends with a former student of his who was my accompanist throughout undergrad while I was working on my music degree. Hopefully I'll have the chance to see him conduct again sometime soon.
8:51 AM
adventure time
jake the dog
john dimaggio
voice actor
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John DiMaggio
Voice Actor
4x6 color photo signed in black marker. This one made me laugh when I opened the envelope! I wrote to Mr. DiMaggio back in July, not really expecting to receive a response. Futurama is a favorite show of mine (I grew up watching it in high school), and Bender has always been one of my favorite characters from the show. More recently, I've really enjoyed Mr. DiMaggio's work on "Adventure Time" as "Jake the Dog."
Voice Actor
4x6 color photo signed in black marker. This one made me laugh when I opened the envelope! I wrote to Mr. DiMaggio back in July, not really expecting to receive a response. Futurama is a favorite show of mine (I grew up watching it in high school), and Bender has always been one of my favorite characters from the show. More recently, I've really enjoyed Mr. DiMaggio's work on "Adventure Time" as "Jake the Dog."
8:47 AM
anne rice
the prince lestat
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True first edition of "The Prince Lestat" signed in black ink. I went back to Barnes & Noble this morning after the crazyness yesterday to see what was left. As expected, all of the Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush books were cleaned out, but they still had quite a few signed editions left. Some were from some well known people, like Brooke Shields, Cameron Diaz and Martin Short. Browsing around, nothing really interested me that much, but I did decide to pick up this copy of "The Prince Lestat" signed by Anne Rice. I've never read any of her books, but I know she has quite a following in the LGBT community and that her writing has had a major impact on vampire fiction.
8:55 AM
a portrait of my father
george w bush
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George W Bush
43rd President of the United States
Two true first editions of 41: A Portrait of My Father signed in black marker. I picked these up this morning at a Black Friday sale at Barnes & Noble in Augusta, ME. I had originally intended to just purchase one. I grabbed two off of the shelves to double check that they weren't autopens. As a did that, someone pushed me out of the way and grabbed all of the remaining copies, as well as all of the signed copies of Hillary Clinton's Hard Choices (which I was considering getting a copy of as well). Long story short, I couldn't get back to where Bush's books had been, so I ended up buying the second copy, along with the book by Neil Patrick Harris in the previous post and a signed copy of Neil Gaiman's American Gods for my girlfriend. I now have signatures from all of the living presidents except for George H.W. Bush.
8:50 AM
choose your own autobiography
neil patrick harris
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Neil Patrick Harris
True first edition of Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography signed in black marker. Purchased November 28th, 2014 (Black Friday) at Barnes & Noble in Augusta, ME.
True first edition of Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography signed in black marker. Purchased November 28th, 2014 (Black Friday) at Barnes & Noble in Augusta, ME.
6:52 PM
in person
stephen king
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True first edition of Revival signed in blue pen. Back on September 15th I got an email from StephenKing.com - Stephen was going to be stopping at Books-A-Million in South Portland as part of his book tour promoting the release of Revival! I decided to try and get a ticket.
On veteran's day, my girlfriend and I got up at 1:30 AM and drove to South Portland to stand in line. by the time we got there around 2:30, there were already nearly a hundred people waiting. The first person in line had gotten there at 10:00 the previous morning! While my girlfriend slept in the car, I staked us out a spot. Waiting in line was an experience. I was sitting next to several extremely sketchy people who were being paid to get tickets to be resold (I checked online later, it looks like they were going for around $300). When I got there, they were smoking and talking about the reasons they were losing their teeth. One thought it was because he was doing hard drugs. Another said it was "'cause someone knocked them out in a fight." An hour later, they were taking about their experiences with Venezuelan strippers. By 4:30 I was freezing (it was about 20 degrees out), and they were discussing theology and Martin Luther. An hour after that I ran across the street to McDonald's to use the restroom and find something warm to drink.
My girlfriend joined me around 6:00, and we chatted until the store opened. By that time, the line stretched around the store and across the parking lot. We were quite lucky - we managed to get tickets. There were only 400 guaranteed tickets available and nearly a thousand people in line!
Jump forward a week - the day of the signing. It was cold and wet. Luckily, we didn't have to wait outside for long. We got in line for the signing at about 3:15, and our group was called inside at about 3:30 (15 minutes ahead of schedule). The actual signing was fast - 15 minutes later we were out of the store. When I got up to the table, Mr. King smiled and cracked a joke:
"For a bunch of people who've been scared to death, this is a pretty lively group. It's kind of like 'The Walking Dead.'"
And that was it. It may have been fast, but it was a thrill. I started reading Mr. King's books just a few years ago, but he quickly became one of my favorite authors. Today was an experience I will remember for a long time.
4:42 PM
barack obama
first edition
in person
the audacity of hope
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Barack Obama
U.S. President
The Audacity of Hope, first edition (later printing), signed in black marker. On Thursday, October 30th, 2014 I attended the final democratic rally of the 2014 Maine election season at the Portland Expo Center in Portland, ME featuring former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell and President Barack Obama. Knowing that is would be a madhouse, far crazier than the rally with Bill Clinton back in September, I and my girlfriend got there early. We arrived at the Portland Expo at about 11:30 in the morning, 4 and a half hours before the doors opened. We weren’t the first people there, but we were close. Four other people were already waiting; apparently the first person arrived around 8:00 AM (apparently a “professional” autograph hunter, more on him later). Luckily, despite being almost November, it wasn’t too terribly cold out, despite there being a little bit of breeze. It was quite pleasant, as long as the sun wasn’t behind a cloud. For about an hour and a half we just stood there, in the cold, reading books we had brought for the wait (for me, Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, for my girlfriend, Dragon Slippers by Jessica George – are we sensing a pattern here?).
By 1:00, the crowd was beginning to grow. By 3:00, the road in front of the expo was barricaded, and there was police tape keeping people from wandering through on the street. That didn’t stop people who didn’t have tickets, or who thought they’d try and jump to the front of the line from waiting at the tape. By 4:00 the line stretched out of sight - there were more than 7,000 people in line. Around that time, the event staff told the people who’d wandered up front to go to the back of the line, and let people with disabilities through, to head to the handicapped seating. Right afterwards, they let people representing the unions supporting Mike Michaud through (the people sitting on risers behind the stage). Then, it was our turn.
As soon as I made it through security, I bolted for the front, leaving my girlfriend in the dust (she’d expected this – first one through was supposed to go and grab us a good spot. At first, it appeared that we wouldn’t be able to get right in front – there was a reserved section in front of the general admission section. After a minute or two, though, I realized that the bleachers on the left side of the gym were ALSO general admission, despite having a barrier in front of them. We quickly shifted spots, getting seats in the front row, stage right, directly next to the rope line. And there we sat.
People slowly filtered in after going through security. Sometime before 6:00, the fire marshal cut off new admissions – the Expo only has a capacity of about 3,000. 4,000 people who arrived were not allowed in. We chatted with a lovely older lady as we waited for the show to start and tried not to be crushed by the influx of people. The “professional” autograph hunter was sitting a seat down from us. A little after 6:00, the show got started. Mike Brennan (mayor of Portland) came on stage and spoke, followed by Ben Grant (chair of the Maine Democratic Party) and U.S. Senate candidate Shenna Bellows. After a brief intermission, U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree came on stage to speak followed, after another brief pause, by former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell.
During another brief intermission after Mitchell, the entire front row where I was sitting lunged forward. I don’t know what started it, but, presumably, someone thought that Obama was coming out next, ran to the barrier, and everyone else followed suit. There was a bit of a dustup. The “professional” autograph gentleman was arguing with security, refusing to get back to his seat, while a pushy young woman in an orange blazer was shoving people out of the way to get to the front of the rope line. Bottom line: Obama wasn’t next. Security had everyone sit back down, and stationed someone in the aisle to make sure that people stayed seated. Afterwards, Michaud came out. His speech wasn’t radically different than the speech he gave at the rally with Bill Clinton the other month, but it was still inspiring and energized the crowd.
Following Michaud was the President. Again, the crowd surged forward. This time, those of us right in front were allowed to stay by the barrier (unfortunately my girlfriend had to go back to her seat, but that was just 3 feet back). There was a secret service officer standing directly behind me, and another in front of me (not to mention many more stationed around the President, and in the crowd). Right off the bat, the secret service agent in front of me noticed that I had a book. He told me to put it on the floor, that the president would not be signing anything, and that he didn’t want to see me try and pick the book up again. I was a little disappointed, but did as I was told.
Mr. Obama’s speech was fantastic – the man is an amazing orator. He wove together themes of hope and change, and laid out why he thought that Mike Michaud was the right person to lead Maine. There was amazing energy in the crowd while he was on stage. I’ve heard that in other rallies the President attended this election cycle, people walked out while he was speaking. That didn’t happen up here, and, after seeing him in action, I couldn’t imagine such a thing happening anywhere else. He was electric. Absolutely electric. I was transfixed, standing there letting his words wash over me like waves. Perhaps the most memorable moment of his speech, for me, came near the end when Mr. Obama spoke about cynicism in politics – particularly that sown by the far right:
Cynicism didn’t put a man on the moon, cynicism has never ended a war, or cured disease, or built a business, or taught a young mind ... Hope is what built America.”
After his speech, the President made his way around the rope lines, shaking hands. Again, there was a massive rush forward, but I did get the chance to shake Mr. Obama’s hand (as did my girlfriend) before he headed back stage. Before I turned to leave, however, I noticed a couple of aides gathering books from the crowd. Despite what the gentleman with the secret service had said, the President was going to sign a few items! One of the aides took my copy of The Audacity of Hope, and the security staff told me to wait in the lobby for the aides to come back with the book.
You may be wondering why I have kept mentioning the “professional” autograph hunter. Well, as I was making my way back to the lobby, he very nearly got arrested. He had given one of the aides several books (at least 4, maybe more), and was refused to go to the lobby when directed. The security staff called over the police, as well as some of the secret service officers, to escort him out to the lobby. 2 minutes later, the aide returned with my book, as well as several books for the gentleman who was escorted out. All in all, about 12 people got books signed.
At first, I was worried that they’d set up an autopen machine back stage, but, while I was there I was also able to look at a book that someone else got signed. While similar, the signature was not identical to that in my book (no loop on the "B"). After closer examination, I think that the autograph is genuine. What concerned me at the time were the dots at the start of the B in Barack and at the end of the final letter of Obama. After getting some sleep and getting a look at the signature in better lighting, I was able to see varying pen pressure which would not be present with an autopen signature. Both dots appear to have been the result of a slight backstroke from the pen contacting/leaving the page combined with bleed from the marker.
All in all, it was a fantastic experience. The chance to hear a sitting President speak does not come every day, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. The event was made all the more special by getting a chance to shake Mr. Obama’s hand and to have my book signed. I don’t think that it’s too much of a stretch to say that this is now the crown jewel of my collection.
U.S. President
The Audacity of Hope, first edition (later printing), signed in black marker. On Thursday, October 30th, 2014 I attended the final democratic rally of the 2014 Maine election season at the Portland Expo Center in Portland, ME featuring former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell and President Barack Obama. Knowing that is would be a madhouse, far crazier than the rally with Bill Clinton back in September, I and my girlfriend got there early. We arrived at the Portland Expo at about 11:30 in the morning, 4 and a half hours before the doors opened. We weren’t the first people there, but we were close. Four other people were already waiting; apparently the first person arrived around 8:00 AM (apparently a “professional” autograph hunter, more on him later). Luckily, despite being almost November, it wasn’t too terribly cold out, despite there being a little bit of breeze. It was quite pleasant, as long as the sun wasn’t behind a cloud. For about an hour and a half we just stood there, in the cold, reading books we had brought for the wait (for me, Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, for my girlfriend, Dragon Slippers by Jessica George – are we sensing a pattern here?).
By 1:00, the crowd was beginning to grow. By 3:00, the road in front of the expo was barricaded, and there was police tape keeping people from wandering through on the street. That didn’t stop people who didn’t have tickets, or who thought they’d try and jump to the front of the line from waiting at the tape. By 4:00 the line stretched out of sight - there were more than 7,000 people in line. Around that time, the event staff told the people who’d wandered up front to go to the back of the line, and let people with disabilities through, to head to the handicapped seating. Right afterwards, they let people representing the unions supporting Mike Michaud through (the people sitting on risers behind the stage). Then, it was our turn.
As soon as I made it through security, I bolted for the front, leaving my girlfriend in the dust (she’d expected this – first one through was supposed to go and grab us a good spot. At first, it appeared that we wouldn’t be able to get right in front – there was a reserved section in front of the general admission section. After a minute or two, though, I realized that the bleachers on the left side of the gym were ALSO general admission, despite having a barrier in front of them. We quickly shifted spots, getting seats in the front row, stage right, directly next to the rope line. And there we sat.
People slowly filtered in after going through security. Sometime before 6:00, the fire marshal cut off new admissions – the Expo only has a capacity of about 3,000. 4,000 people who arrived were not allowed in. We chatted with a lovely older lady as we waited for the show to start and tried not to be crushed by the influx of people. The “professional” autograph hunter was sitting a seat down from us. A little after 6:00, the show got started. Mike Brennan (mayor of Portland) came on stage and spoke, followed by Ben Grant (chair of the Maine Democratic Party) and U.S. Senate candidate Shenna Bellows. After a brief intermission, U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree came on stage to speak followed, after another brief pause, by former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell.
During another brief intermission after Mitchell, the entire front row where I was sitting lunged forward. I don’t know what started it, but, presumably, someone thought that Obama was coming out next, ran to the barrier, and everyone else followed suit. There was a bit of a dustup. The “professional” autograph gentleman was arguing with security, refusing to get back to his seat, while a pushy young woman in an orange blazer was shoving people out of the way to get to the front of the rope line. Bottom line: Obama wasn’t next. Security had everyone sit back down, and stationed someone in the aisle to make sure that people stayed seated. Afterwards, Michaud came out. His speech wasn’t radically different than the speech he gave at the rally with Bill Clinton the other month, but it was still inspiring and energized the crowd.
Following Michaud was the President. Again, the crowd surged forward. This time, those of us right in front were allowed to stay by the barrier (unfortunately my girlfriend had to go back to her seat, but that was just 3 feet back). There was a secret service officer standing directly behind me, and another in front of me (not to mention many more stationed around the President, and in the crowd). Right off the bat, the secret service agent in front of me noticed that I had a book. He told me to put it on the floor, that the president would not be signing anything, and that he didn’t want to see me try and pick the book up again. I was a little disappointed, but did as I was told.
Mr. Obama’s speech was fantastic – the man is an amazing orator. He wove together themes of hope and change, and laid out why he thought that Mike Michaud was the right person to lead Maine. There was amazing energy in the crowd while he was on stage. I’ve heard that in other rallies the President attended this election cycle, people walked out while he was speaking. That didn’t happen up here, and, after seeing him in action, I couldn’t imagine such a thing happening anywhere else. He was electric. Absolutely electric. I was transfixed, standing there letting his words wash over me like waves. Perhaps the most memorable moment of his speech, for me, came near the end when Mr. Obama spoke about cynicism in politics – particularly that sown by the far right:
Cynicism didn’t put a man on the moon, cynicism has never ended a war, or cured disease, or built a business, or taught a young mind ... Hope is what built America.”
-Barack Obama
Portland, ME
October 30th, 2014
October 30th, 2014
After his speech, the President made his way around the rope lines, shaking hands. Again, there was a massive rush forward, but I did get the chance to shake Mr. Obama’s hand (as did my girlfriend) before he headed back stage. Before I turned to leave, however, I noticed a couple of aides gathering books from the crowd. Despite what the gentleman with the secret service had said, the President was going to sign a few items! One of the aides took my copy of The Audacity of Hope, and the security staff told me to wait in the lobby for the aides to come back with the book.
You may be wondering why I have kept mentioning the “professional” autograph hunter. Well, as I was making my way back to the lobby, he very nearly got arrested. He had given one of the aides several books (at least 4, maybe more), and was refused to go to the lobby when directed. The security staff called over the police, as well as some of the secret service officers, to escort him out to the lobby. 2 minutes later, the aide returned with my book, as well as several books for the gentleman who was escorted out. All in all, about 12 people got books signed.
At first, I was worried that they’d set up an autopen machine back stage, but, while I was there I was also able to look at a book that someone else got signed. While similar, the signature was not identical to that in my book (no loop on the "B"). After closer examination, I think that the autograph is genuine. What concerned me at the time were the dots at the start of the B in Barack and at the end of the final letter of Obama. After getting some sleep and getting a look at the signature in better lighting, I was able to see varying pen pressure which would not be present with an autopen signature. Both dots appear to have been the result of a slight backstroke from the pen contacting/leaving the page combined with bleed from the marker.
All in all, it was a fantastic experience. The chance to hear a sitting President speak does not come every day, and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. The event was made all the more special by getting a chance to shake Mr. Obama’s hand and to have my book signed. I don’t think that it’s too much of a stretch to say that this is now the crown jewel of my collection.
5:31 AM
george mitchell
senate majority leader
world on fire
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George Mitchell
First edition of World on Fire signed in black marker by former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell. I found this at a library book sale in Boothbay for 50 cents, and couldn't pass it up. I'm a great admirer of Mr. Mitchell's work. I'll be going to see him speak next week.
First edition of World on Fire signed in black marker by former U.S. Senate majority leader George Mitchell. I found this at a library book sale in Boothbay for 50 cents, and couldn't pass it up. I'm a great admirer of Mr. Mitchell's work. I'll be going to see him speak next week.
3:16 PM
bill clinton
william j clinton presidential center
william jefferson clinton
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William Jefferson Clinton
U.S. President
Proving that I have terrible timing, here's a program from the dedication of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center signed by President Bill Clinton. I purchased this from the Clinton Museum Store ONE DAY before finding out that President Clinton was coming to Maine to campaign for Mike Michaud. At the rally I was able to get my copy of President Clinton's autobiography signed.
6:59 AM
bill clinton
in person
william jefferson clinton
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William Jefferson Clinton
U.S. President
True first edition of "My Life," President Clinton's autobiography, signed in black pen.
Normally I try to keep text to a minimum when describing events on this blog, so apologies for running a bit long on this one. Last night I had the pleasure of attending a rally at the Portland Exposition Building for Senator Mike Michaud's gubernatorial campaign, with special guest President Bill Clinton! This was my first time having an opportunity to see a president speak in person!* Although the rally was scheduled to start at 7:30 and the doors didn't open until 5:30, I took the afternoon off from work and showed up at the Expo several hours early, around 2:30. I was the third person there. Half an hour or so before the doors opened I and the other hundred or so people who had already arrived were greeted by Mike himself. I've met him a few times since he was elected to congress, and think he'd make a fantastic governor. Two hours later (the rally started half an hour early, presumably because most of the ticket-holders had arrived) it was extremely hot in the building - it was 80 degrees outside, and the building itself is apparently not air conditioned and has poor air circulation. That combined with 1,600 people pressed together made for intense heat and humidity. Half an hour into the rally a woman standing right behind me fainted and had to be carried out by paramedics.
President Clinton himself came on stage with Mike Michaud around 8:00. Michaud's speech focused heavily on fighting for veterans, specifically on the bipartisan veteran's healthcare reform bill passed earlier this year, whereas Clinton's speech focused on bringing people together, getting things done and Mike Michaud's attributes that will make him a successful governor. You can get a taste for it in the video clip at the Portland Press Herald article linked at the bottom of the page.
Arriving at the Expo four and a half hours really paid off for me. I was at the rope line, about 6 feet from the podium. In fact, that's the back of my head in front of the "I Like Mike" sign on the podium. After his speech President Clinton came around the rope line. I had the opportunity to shake his hand, talk to him for a minute and have my copy of his autobiography signed. I feel very lucky; with 1,600 attendants, I was one of only perhaps 100 people to have the opportunity to shake President Clinton's hand, and one of only 6 to get something signed.
*Full Disclosure: I could have seen President Obama speak at the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in Washington D.C., as I was in the area that weekend. Unfortunately, even though I was just a few minutes walk away, I didn't realize that the dedication was going on until the next day.
U.S. President
True first edition of "My Life," President Clinton's autobiography, signed in black pen.
Normally I try to keep text to a minimum when describing events on this blog, so apologies for running a bit long on this one. Last night I had the pleasure of attending a rally at the Portland Exposition Building for Senator Mike Michaud's gubernatorial campaign, with special guest President Bill Clinton! This was my first time having an opportunity to see a president speak in person!* Although the rally was scheduled to start at 7:30 and the doors didn't open until 5:30, I took the afternoon off from work and showed up at the Expo several hours early, around 2:30. I was the third person there. Half an hour or so before the doors opened I and the other hundred or so people who had already arrived were greeted by Mike himself. I've met him a few times since he was elected to congress, and think he'd make a fantastic governor. Two hours later (the rally started half an hour early, presumably because most of the ticket-holders had arrived) it was extremely hot in the building - it was 80 degrees outside, and the building itself is apparently not air conditioned and has poor air circulation. That combined with 1,600 people pressed together made for intense heat and humidity. Half an hour into the rally a woman standing right behind me fainted and had to be carried out by paramedics.
President Clinton himself came on stage with Mike Michaud around 8:00. Michaud's speech focused heavily on fighting for veterans, specifically on the bipartisan veteran's healthcare reform bill passed earlier this year, whereas Clinton's speech focused on bringing people together, getting things done and Mike Michaud's attributes that will make him a successful governor. You can get a taste for it in the video clip at the Portland Press Herald article linked at the bottom of the page.
Arriving at the Expo four and a half hours really paid off for me. I was at the rope line, about 6 feet from the podium. In fact, that's the back of my head in front of the "I Like Mike" sign on the podium. After his speech President Clinton came around the rope line. I had the opportunity to shake his hand, talk to him for a minute and have my copy of his autobiography signed. I feel very lucky; with 1,600 attendants, I was one of only perhaps 100 people to have the opportunity to shake President Clinton's hand, and one of only 6 to get something signed.
*Full Disclosure: I could have seen President Obama speak at the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in Washington D.C., as I was in the area that weekend. Unfortunately, even though I was just a few minutes walk away, I didn't realize that the dedication was going on until the next day.
4:17 PM
deforest kelley
leonard mccoy
star trek
No comments
2:52 PM
pennywise the dancing clown
stephen king
tim curry
No comments
8x10 photo as "Pennywise the Dancing Clown" in It signed in dark blue sharpie. I grew up hearing and seeing Mr. Curry in many different shows and movies. Unfortunately, it can be somewhat difficult to get ahold of autographs from him, so I ended up buying this one from a UACC dealer. I would actually have preferred a plain headshot, however this terrifying monster which haunted my childhood dreams is almost as satisfying.
12:33 PM
peter pan
robin williams
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8x10 of Robin Williams as Peter Pan in Hook. As many other were, I was both surprised and saddened to hear of Mr. Williams' death this past Monday, saddened in a way deeper than I would have expected. I grew up with movies like Aladdin and Hook, and Mr. Williams' roles played an important part in my childhood. I hoped to have the chance to see him perform live eventually, but that particular wish wasn't meant to be. I hope that where ever he is now he has found peace. I purchased this from one of the UACC registered dealers within five minutes of the news breaking on August 11th.
10:47 AM
first lady
hillary rodham clinton
presidential candidate
secretary of state
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Copy of Living History signed and inscribed by former secretary of state, first lady and potential presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm ready for Hillary!
2:59 PM
harrison ford
henry jones junior
indiana jones
indiana jones and the temple of doom
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Harrison Ford
8x10 photo signed in blue sharpie. One of my favorite actors, and arguably one of the most iconic from the latter half of the 20th century. Signed outside the Mercer Hotel in NYC.
8x10 photo signed in blue sharpie. One of my favorite actors, and arguably one of the most iconic from the latter half of the 20th century. Signed outside the Mercer Hotel in NYC.
3:49 AM
neil degrasse tyson
the pluto files
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Neil deGrasse Tyson
Copy of "The Pluto Files" signed in purple marker. I've been a big admirer of Mr. Tyson's science outreach work for a long time, which was only bolstered by the reboot of Cosmos. Arrived July 16th.
Copy of "The Pluto Files" signed in purple marker. I've been a big admirer of Mr. Tyson's science outreach work for a long time, which was only bolstered by the reboot of Cosmos. Arrived July 16th.
3:47 AM
David Tennant
Doctor Who
The Doctor
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David Tennant
4x6 color photo signed in silver sharpie. I think I'm in the minority, as I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Tennant as the Doctor. I do, however, love his acting in a number of other roles - particularly his Shakespearean acting. Arrived July 15th.
4x6 color photo signed in silver sharpie. I think I'm in the minority, as I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Tennant as the Doctor. I do, however, love his acting in a number of other roles - particularly his Shakespearean acting. Arrived July 15th.
3:43 AM
jimmy carter
nobel prize
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Jimmy Carter
U.S. President
Bookplate in a copy of Mr. Carter's Nobel Prize lecture. I had written to Mr. Carter a second time in the hopes of having the book personalized, in any case it's still a wonderful addition to my collection. Arrived June 15th.
U.S. President
Bookplate in a copy of Mr. Carter's Nobel Prize lecture. I had written to Mr. Carter a second time in the hopes of having the book personalized, in any case it's still a wonderful addition to my collection. Arrived June 15th.
3:41 AM
jackie chan
martial artist
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Jackie Chan
Actor and Martial Artist
5x7 color photo signed in black marker. I loved Mr. Chan's films when I was a kid, he inspired me to start martial arts and earn my black belt. Arrived on June 14th.
Actor and Martial Artist
5x7 color photo signed in black marker. I loved Mr. Chan's films when I was a kid, he inspired me to start martial arts and earn my black belt. Arrived on June 14th.
3:38 AM
itzhak perlman
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Itzhak Perlman
5x7 color photo signed in silver sharpie by violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman. I'm a big fan of Mr. Perlman's music, so I was quite happy to find this in the mailbox back on May 17th.
5x7 color photo signed in silver sharpie by violin virtuoso Itzhak Perlman. I'm a big fan of Mr. Perlman's music, so I was quite happy to find this in the mailbox back on May 17th.
3:53 AM
game of thromes
george r r martin
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George R. R. Martin
Bookplate signed by George R. R. Martin, author of the series A Song of Ice and Fire (including A Game of Thrones).
Bookplate signed by George R. R. Martin, author of the series A Song of Ice and Fire (including A Game of Thrones).
3:37 PM
Connor MacNeill
cort theatre
Daniel Radcliffe
Gillian Hanna
in person
Ingrid Craigie
Sarah Greene
the cripple of inishmaan
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Daniel Radcliffe (x3), Ingrid Craigie, Gillian Hanna, Sarah Greene and Connor MacNeill
Signed after a showing of The Cripple of Inishmaan at the Cort Theatre in New York City on April 26th, 2014. Very funny show, although the end was a bit dark for me. It was nice to get away to NYC for a couple of days, and even better to have the chance to talk to Daniel Radcliffe!
10:47 AM
anthony head
buffy the vampire slayer
rupert giles
uther pendragon
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Anthony Head
8x10 photo of Anthony Head signed in black sharpie. A great TTM success! I remember watching Mr. Head on Buffy The Vampire Slayer with my parents when I was a kid. I had forgotten that I sent this one out!
8x10 photo of Anthony Head signed in black sharpie. A great TTM success! I remember watching Mr. Head on Buffy The Vampire Slayer with my parents when I was a kid. I had forgotten that I sent this one out!
10:44 AM
driving blind
first edition
ray bradbury
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2:57 PM
first edition
stephen king
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Stephen King
First edition of "Joyland" signed by Stephen King. This was signed hastily by Mr. King outside of Sirius Satellite Radio in NYC in October 2013. Mr. King is a favorite author of mine.
First edition of "Joyland" signed by Stephen King. This was signed hastily by Mr. King outside of Sirius Satellite Radio in NYC in October 2013. Mr. King is a favorite author of mine.
4:56 PM
steve yeun
the walking dead
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Steven Yeun
8x10 photo signed in gold sharpie. I'm a big fan of Steve Yeun from the Walking Dead, his character is one of my absolute favorites on the show.
8x10 photo signed in gold sharpie. I'm a big fan of Steve Yeun from the Walking Dead, his character is one of my absolute favorites on the show.
4:49 PM
monty python
terry gilliam
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Terry Gilliam
5x7 photo signed in silver paint pen. Another amazing success, my second Monty Python autograph!
5x7 photo signed in silver paint pen. Another amazing success, my second Monty Python autograph!
4:44 PM
nightmare before christmas
tim burton
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Tim Burton
8x10 print signed in black sharpie. Amazing mail success from Mr. Burton! Unfortunately this WAS an 8.5x12 print, but was water damaged in the mail. The top eighth or so was stuck to the envelope, so I had to trim it down as best as I could. Still, instantly a favorite in my collection!
8x10 print signed in black sharpie. Amazing mail success from Mr. Burton! Unfortunately this WAS an 8.5x12 print, but was water damaged in the mail. The top eighth or so was stuck to the envelope, so I had to trim it down as best as I could. Still, instantly a favorite in my collection!
4:02 AM
billy crudup
ian mckellen
in person
no man's land
patrick stewart
shuler hensley
waiting for godot
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Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Billy Crudup, and Shuler Hensley
Playbill signed by the cast of No Man's Land and Waiting for Godot signed in sharpie. I went down to NYC this past weekend to see No Man's Land as part of a Christmas present. As I was leaving the theater I saw people starting to gather around the side entrance, and decided to go over and see what was happening. A few minutes later Billy Crudup came out and started signing autographs, followed by Shuler Hensley. A couple minutes after that, out came Ian McKellen! Patrick Stewart waited a bit longer. I suspect that he was waiting for the crowd to thin out. There were about 100 people there by the time Mr. McKellen came out, and it was down to 30 by the time Patrick Stewart arrived. It was very cold out. I couldn't feel my fingers at the end. I had the chance to speak with Mr. Stewart for just a moment, which was fantastic! I'm hoping to go back in a few months to see another show, and maybe come back with another signed playbill.
Playbill signed by the cast of No Man's Land and Waiting for Godot signed in sharpie. I went down to NYC this past weekend to see No Man's Land as part of a Christmas present. As I was leaving the theater I saw people starting to gather around the side entrance, and decided to go over and see what was happening. A few minutes later Billy Crudup came out and started signing autographs, followed by Shuler Hensley. A couple minutes after that, out came Ian McKellen! Patrick Stewart waited a bit longer. I suspect that he was waiting for the crowd to thin out. There were about 100 people there by the time Mr. McKellen came out, and it was down to 30 by the time Patrick Stewart arrived. It was very cold out. I couldn't feel my fingers at the end. I had the chance to speak with Mr. Stewart for just a moment, which was fantastic! I'm hoping to go back in a few months to see another show, and maybe come back with another signed playbill.
3:55 AM
geoffrey rush
pirates of the caribbean
the king's speech
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Geoffrey Rush
Mr. Rush was one of the first people I wrote to, almost a year ago. I was quite surprised and very happy when these arrived!
3:52 AM
chris sarandon
nightmare before christmas
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Chris Sarandon
8x10 photo of "Jack" from "Nightmare Before Christmas" signed in blue sharpie. I'm more familiar with Mr. Sarandon from other films, but couldn't pass this one up when I saw it. PSA/DNA item.
8x10 photo of "Jack" from "Nightmare Before Christmas" signed in blue sharpie. I'm more familiar with Mr. Sarandon from other films, but couldn't pass this one up when I saw it. PSA/DNA item.
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